Thursday, February 14, 2013

DIY Cheese Fountain (for Nachos Buffet)

Just because it's called Chocolate Fountain does it mean we can only use it for chocolates? Certainly not!

During our New Year's party at the office, I decided to skip the usual chocolate fountain and instead try doing a cheese fountain for our nachos buffet.

My colleagues were pleasantly surprised to see the very inviting bright yellow fluid flowing through but what made them even more surprised was when they learned how easy it was to make the cheese dip.

There's no secret to it, really. All you need is a good old cheese spread (I used Cheez Whiz), fresh milk and a microwave oven. That's it!

1. Empty a jar of cheese spread (plain, do not use the one with pimiento) in a microwaveable container.
2. Pour 1/2 cup of milk on the cheese spread and mix. Expect that the mixture will not be smooth but rather lumpy.
3. Put the mixture in the microwave for 3 minutes in medium high setting.
4. Remove and stir. The cheese spread should now have a smoother consistency and should easily mix with the milk.
5. Keep stirring while the mixture is still hot. If still lumpy, stir in more milk and  put back in the microwave for another 3 minutes. Do this process until the desired consistency is achieved. The reason why microwave only for short period is to avoid burning the cheese.
6. Pour into the fountain and enjoy!
If you have a double broiler then melting the cheese and mixing with milk is a lot easier as you can see the 'output' as you go along. There's also less chance of burning the cheese.

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